A Riku of Two Reflections deck focused on value generation through copying spells and creatures, utilizing a mix of ramp, big creatures, and utility spells to overwhelm opponents through card advantage and board presence.
The deck aims to establish its mana base early through ramp spells and mana rocks, then leverage Riku of Two Reflections to double the value of its spells and creatures. The early game focuses on ramping and setting up with cards like Cultivate and Kodama's Reach. Mid-game, the deck starts deploying threats and copying them for additional value. The late game plan involves overwhelming opponents with large creatures and copied spells. The deck can win through combat damage or through accumulated value from doubled spells and creatures.
The deck is heavily dependent on its commander and can struggle if Riku of Two Reflections is repeatedly removed. The mana base is somewhat slow with many lands entering tapped, and the deck can be vulnerable to aggressive strategies. The high mana costs of many spells, combined with Riku's copying costs, can make the deck clunky and slow.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Riku of Two Reflections
- Sol Ring
- Garruk Wildspeaker
- Artisan of Kozilek
- Lightning Greaves
- Animar, Soul of Elements
- Explosive Vegetation
- Spell Crumple
- Hydra Omnivore
- Command Tower
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 4/10
- Resilience: 5/10
- Consistency: 4/10
- Interaction: 5/10
Rating Justification:
This deck operates at a casual level, with a mix of value-generating cards but lacking the fast mana and efficient tutors needed for higher power levels. While it can create impressive board states when left unchecked, it typically needs several turns to set up its engine and doesn't have consistent early interaction. The deck would struggle against focused decks (6.0+) due to its slower speed but could hold its own against other casual decks through its value generation potential.
Final power level rating: 4.5 - 5.0
Riku of Two Reflections