An enchantress-based strategy centered around Tuvasa the Sunlit, focusing on drawing cards through enchantment casting while building up a powerful commander through enchantment count and auras.
This deck operates on the classic enchantress strategy, using various enchantress effects like Mesa Enchantress, Verduran Enchantress, and the commander itself to generate card advantage through casting enchantments. The deck aims to establish a strong card draw engine early while protecting itself through pillowfort effects like Propaganda and Sphere of Safety.
The win condition primarily revolves around commander damage through Tuvasa the Sunlit, enhanced by numerous auras and the commander's own ability to grow with each enchantment. Secondary win conditions include token generation through Sigil of the Empty Throne and creating an overwhelming board state through value generation. The deck includes various protection pieces and utility enchantments to maintain board control while executing its strategy.
The deck is heavily reliant on its commander and enchantress effects staying on the battlefield, making it vulnerable to targeted removal and board wipes. The mana base could be improved with more efficient dual lands and fetch lands. The deck also lacks instant-speed interaction, making it vulnerable to combo decks and making it difficult to protect key pieces.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Tuvasa the Sunlit
- Enchantress's Presence
- Mesa Enchantress
- Sanctum Weaver
- Sterling Grove
- Sphere of Safety
- Sigil of the Empty Throne
- Ethereal Armor
- Propaganda
- Herald of the Pantheon
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 4/10
- Resilience: 5/10
- Consistency: 6/10
- Interaction: 3/10
Rating Justification:
This deck sits firmly in the casual/focused casual range, with its primary strategy being relatively slow but consistent once established. While it can generate significant card advantage and create powerful board states, it lacks the explosive plays and interaction needed to compete at higher power levels. The deck would struggle against optimized decks (6.0+) due to its slower setup and limited interaction, but could hold its own against other casual strategies through its consistent card draw and defensive capabilities.
Final power level rating: 4.5 - 5.0
Tuvasa the Sunlit