This is a mono-green lands-matter deck centered around Six, utilizing graveyard recursion and land-based value engines to generate card advantage and establish a strong board presence through efficient creatures and land synergies.
The deck operates on multiple axes, with its primary strategy revolving around using Six's attack trigger to mill cards and recover lands, while simultaneously leveraging its retrace ability to recast permanents from the graveyard. The early game focuses on establishing mana acceleration through various one-drop mana dorks and land enchantments like Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth.
The mid-to-late game plan involves capitalizing on land synergies through cards like Life from the Loam, Blossoming Tortoise, and Oracle of Mul Daya to generate card advantage and ramp into powerful threats like Craterhoof Behemoth or Avenger of Zendikar. The deck can also grind out value through recursive elements and efficient creatures that either draw cards or provide utility effects.
- Vulnerable to graveyard hate, which can shut down both Six's retrace ability and key recursion pieces
- Relatively dependent on creatures for mana acceleration, making it susceptible to board wipes
- Limited instant-speed interaction outside of Heroic Intervention and a few utility creatures
- Can struggle against heavy control strategies that prevent creature-based gameplay
Most Important Cards:
- Life from the Loam
- Oracle of Mul Daya
- The Great Henge
- Sylvan Library
- Exploration
- Avenger of Zendikar
- Craterhoof Behemoth
- Beast Whisperer
- Growing Rites of Itlimoc
- Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 6/10
- Resilience: 7/10
- Consistency: 7/10
- Interaction: 5/10
Rating Justification:
This deck sits comfortably in the 6.0-6.5 range due to its ability to consistently execute its gameplan while maintaining reasonable interaction and resilience. While it lacks the explosive speed of higher-powered decks, it can establish a strong board presence by turns 6-7 and maintain it through recursion and value engines. The deck's efficient mana base and strong synergies elevate it above casual builds, but it falls short of truly competitive strategies due to its relatively fair gameplay patterns and susceptibility to disruption.
Final power level rating: 6.2 - 6.7
The deck demonstrates strong internal synergy and includes several powerful cards and interactions, but its reliance on creature-based strategies and vulnerability to common forms of disruption keeps it from reaching higher power levels. It's well-tuned for mid-power tables where games typically end around turns 8-10.