A Bant-colored investigate/tokens deck led by Morska, Undersea Sleuth that focuses on generating value through Clue tokens while building a board presence through token synergies and +1/+1 counter strategies.
The deck aims to generate consistent card advantage through investigating and Clue token creation, while using these artifacts for multiple purposes beyond just card draw. Key strategies include using Clues as equipment with Armed with Proof, creating additional value through Academy Manufactor, and leveraging token doublers like Adrix and Nev, Twincasters. The deck can win through combat damage with buffed creatures, going wide with tokens, or through value engines that overwhelm opponents with card advantage. Early game focuses on ramping and establishing investigation engines, mid-game on building board presence, and late game on overwhelming opponents with value and creature threats.
The deck is vulnerable to artifact hate and board wipes, which can severely disrupt its token-based strategy. It can be slow to establish its winning position without proper ramp, and relies heavily on having multiple permanents in play to achieve maximum value. The deck also struggles against faster, more aggressive strategies that can apply pressure before its engine gets going.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Academy Manufactor
- Adrix and Nev, Twincasters
- Tireless Tracker
- Chulane, Teller of Tales
- Teferi's Ageless Insight
- Armed with Proof
- Erdwal Illuminator
- Lonis, Cryptozoologist
- Mechanized Production
- Wilderness Reclamation
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 4/10
- Resilience: 6/10
- Consistency: 7/10
- Interaction: 5/10
Rating Justification:
This deck operates at a higher level than typical precon decks due to its consistent card advantage engines and synergistic gameplay elements, but falls short of truly optimized builds. It has strong value generation and can create impressive board states, but typically needs several turns to establish its engines. The deck shows more cohesion than casual builds but lacks the explosive power or fast mana needed for higher power levels. When compared to power level 6 decks, it lacks the consistent early interaction and fast win conditions, but performs better than typical power level 4 decks due to its card advantage and synergies.
Final power level rating: 5.0 - 5.5
Morska, Undersea Sleuth