A Kaalia of the Vast deck focused on cheating large Angels, Demons, and Dragons into play through combat, with a mix of removal and protection effects to support the strategy.
The deck aims to deploy Kaalia of the Vast as quickly as possible using mana rocks and protect her with equipment like Lightning Greaves or protection spells. Once Kaalia attacks, you can put powerful creatures like Angel of Despair or Akroma, Angel of Fury directly into play for free. The deck includes various forms of removal and board wipes to clear the path for attacks. Secondary strategies include mass removal with cards like Akroma's Vengeance and life gain through Angels like Shattered Angel.
The deck is heavily dependent on its commander, making it vulnerable to removal and counter magic. The mana base lacks sufficient fixing and acceleration, which can lead to slow starts or color screw. The deck also struggles against faster strategies and has limited ways to protect itself from combo decks.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Kaalia of the Vast
- Lightning Greaves
- Sol Ring
- Angel of Despair
- Mother of Runes
- Path to Exile
- Akroma's Vengeance
- Command Tower
- Diabolic Tutor
- Mortify
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 4/10
- Resilience: 3/10
- Consistency: 3/10
- Interaction: 5/10
Rating Justification:
This deck operates at a casual level, with some powerful individual cards but lacking the consistency and protection needed for higher-powered tables. While it can occasionally achieve explosive starts with Kaalia, the limited ramp and protection make these scenarios uncommon. The interaction suite is decent but not comprehensive enough for higher-powered games. The deck would struggle against focused decks (6.0+) but could compete with other casual strategies.
Final power level rating: 4.0 - 4.5
Kaalia of the Vast