A mono-black artifact-focused deck led by Szarekh, the Silent King, utilizing Necron tribal synergies and graveyard recursion to establish a strong board presence through artifact creatures and value engines.
The deck aims to establish card advantage through mill and graveyard recursion while building a board of powerful artifact creatures. Szarekh, the Silent King provides consistent card advantage by milling and retrieving artifact creatures. The deck features multiple unearth creatures for recursion value and employs various Vehicles and equipment to enhance its creature base. The strategy involves controlling the board while building up resources, then overwhelming opponents with recurring threats and powerful artifact synergies.
The deck is vulnerable to graveyard hate and artifact removal, which can severely disrupt its core strategy. Being heavily dependent on artifacts makes it particularly susceptible to cards like Vandalblast or Collector Ouphe. The deck can struggle against faster strategies due to its relatively high mana curve.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Szarekh, the Silent King
- Imotekh the Stormlord
- Trazyn the Infinite
- The War in Heaven
- Living Death
- Biotransference
- Necron Monolith
- Shard of the Void Dragon
- Illuminor Szeras
- Convergence of Dominion
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 5/10
- Resilience: 6/10
- Consistency: 7/10
- Interaction: 5/10
Rating Justification:
This deck operates at a focused casual level, with strong synergies and recursion elements but lacking the explosive speed of higher-powered decks. While it can generate significant value through its commander and various artifact synergies, it typically needs several turns to establish its gameplan. The deck's ability to recover from board wipes through unearth and recursion effects gives it resilience, but it's not fast enough to compete with high-powered strategies. It sits comfortably in the focused casual range, being stronger than precon-level decks but not quite reaching the efficiency of optimized builds.
Final power level rating: 5.0 - 5.5
Szarekh, the Silent King
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