A sea monster tribal deck helmed by Kenessos, Priest of Thassa that leverages scry effects to find and cheat large creatures into play while maintaining control of the board through countermagic and interaction.
This deck operates on two primary axes: scry manipulation and sea monster tribal. Kenessos, Priest of Thassa enhances all scry effects, helping to filter through the deck more efficiently to find key pieces. The deck's activated ability allows for cheating large sea creatures into play at a discount, providing a significant mana advantage when successful.
The early game focuses on setting up card selection and ramp pieces while establishing control through countermagic. The mid-to-late game plan involves deploying massive sea creatures like Koma, Cosmos Serpent and Hullbreaker Horror either through traditional casting or Kenessos's ability. Card advantage engines like Sylvan Library and Sensei's Divining Top help maintain hand quality and find answers.
The deck suffers from a relatively high average mana value, making it vulnerable to aggressive strategies. The mana base could be improved with more efficient dual lands and fetch lands. The reliance on the commander for the cheating strategy makes the deck vulnerable to removal, and without the commander, many of the large creatures can be stranded in hand.
Top 10 Most Impactful Cards:
- Sensei's Divining Top
- Sylvan Library
- Training Grounds
- Koma, Cosmos Serpent
- Hullbreaker Horror
- Sol Ring
- Scroll Rack
- Thassa, God of the Sea
- Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait
- Arcane Laboratory
Attribute Ratings:
- Speed: 4/10
- Resilience: 5/10
- Consistency: 6/10
- Interaction: 7/10
Rating Justification:
This deck sits firmly in the optimized casual range, with its ability to establish board presence through efficient scrying and creature cheating, while maintaining interaction through a solid counterspell suite. It's stronger than typical precon decks due to its enhanced consistency and interaction package, but slower than focused competitive decks due to its reliance on expensive creatures and somewhat clunky mana base. The presence of premium card selection tools and interaction puts it above purely casual builds, but the high-cost threats and tribal restrictions keep it from reaching higher power levels.
Final power level rating: 5.0 - 5.5
Kenessos, Priest of Thassa